Review for user Xeon24 from Sub91

  • Thought I was trading my VP6, 2x P3 850's, and a pair of Gorbs for a Chaintech GT61 GF$ 4600.

    Cross-traded on January 12, 2003 Other/Unknown

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Rafe
    Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2003 21:33:01 -0600
    To: cd dd
    Subject: Re: Trade

    What's the story, Chris? It's been a week since it was supposed to have shipped, and I'm getting a little miffed. *sigh*

    cd dd wrote:

    >I will check with the person that I use for shipping. I do not ship anything off myself. I will retrieve the tracking number, and for some reason it DID NOT get shipped, I will do it today/tommorrow, priority mail. It should have gone out though. Let me check and get back with you.
    >----- Original Message -----
    >From: Rafe
    >Date: Sun, 05 Jan 2003 16:36:06 -0600
    >To: cd dd
    >Subject: Re: Trade
    >>If it shipped, please shoot me a note with the Delivery Confirmation or
    >>Tracking #. Thanks!
    >>cd dd wrote:
    >>>Yer package will probably go out today or tommorrow. I don't handle
    >>>shipping actually, but it iwll go out USPS priority. My eBay
    >>>shipments for the week go out today.

    Oh no, I forgot to inform you that you have been trolled. Oh hey, the persons that deal with packing temp misplaced a few items including the card. I can give you a cash offer for the combo. The card is currently in MY possession, and I will probably ship it myself tommorrow.

    I have refs under IT_TechShp on eBay aswell as heatware.


    January 12, 2003