Review for user khurios2000 from Bill Clo

  • Tried to sell the guy a Q6600.

    Bill Clo was the Buyer on June 5, 2008 AnandTech

    This has been the strangest transaction I have ever had. I have listed in my ad that if buyer sends a postal M/O that I\'ll ship asap, and if a personal check that I\'d hold a week to clear.

    Sequence of events:
    Guy asks to use Paypal despite the ad saying NO Paypal. He then sends a personal check in the mail. Before it arrives, he asks to use Western Union to speed things up.

    Check arrives, and I\'m mystified as to why he sent a check if he\'s in a hurry. I ask what he wants me to do, should I send the check back and proceed with Western Union.

    He then says use the check, and I deposit it in my bank. He continues to ask me to ship the CPU now, and not wait til the check clears. I\'m getting suspicious at this point, and tell him that I\'ll ship when the check clears, per my ad\'s instructions.

    He then says that he found another CPU on Ebay and doesn\'t want mine anymore (welching on the deal after payment). He wants his money NOW, and doesn\'t want to wait til the check clears. I won\'t do so until it clears; if I send the money back now and the check bounces, it\'ll come out of my account and I\'ll have no real recourse.

    I tell him all this, and suddenly he wants the CPU now, and please ship now. :(

    I decided to walk away from the whole deal, as it\'s gone into the Twilight Zone. He\'ll get his money back next week after the check clears.

    I don\'t see how the guy has such a high Heat rating; his behaviour was quite erratic.

    Response from khurios2000
    This is the weirdest transaction I\'ve ever had. Bill is not very friendly in term communication and understanding. The transaction was canceled by Bill after i asked him to continue the purchased.

    bottom line: the transaction was never happened, this is a type of transaction that the seller back out the deal.

    for future buyer that looking to see if it is worth to trade w/ Bill, the answer is no.

    first because he not good in communication, the second his patience was razor thin or i can say no patience at all.

    proceed with your own risk dealing w/ this guy, because he might give you a negative for something that never happen.

    very immature and unprofessional trader here folks.

    he will back out the deal if you ask him lots of questions, and might give a negative evaluation for transaction that never exist.

    June 6, 2008