Review for user wermad from givmedew

  • Item is Swiftech Apogee HD White Top Intel Only Seller had listed the following and had also listed it on eBay.

    givmedew was the Seller on November 14, 2012

    I would recommend buying from this person and if you do I would recommend you be vary careful. He may not be the type to cheat someone out but he is that type to skirt around the rules or outright break them which shows he is not honest and cares more about making the sale then fulfilling it.

    Seller listed on and which is against rules. With the intention of canceling the auction if it sold on which is against eBays rules. On eBay you are allowed to cancel an item unless it is in the last 24 HRs for 2 reasons for example the item broke BUT NOT because you listed it in other places. I did not notice the item on and had COMMITED to buying it on eBay. The seller never canceled the item accepted my payment and did not notice until I contacted him 2 weeks later wondering where my item was. Because he had broke the rules I left NEUTRAL feedback which is nice of me since he deserved negative feedback as over the course of the 2-3 weeks that I had been committed to the sale I missed out on other opportunities.

    Even with me explaining how his error affected me and why I was leaving neutral feedback he responded telling me he would be leaving me neutral feedback as well even though I had done everything right and should/could have left negative feedback.

    This is not the first time the user has broken the eBay and rules as he was clearly aware he could play around with eBay by canceling auctions and he had at least posted a NVIDIA video card on eBay that he had also posted on which may have even broke a second rule of having a different price somewhere else.

    Clearly this person cares more about making the sale quickly and getting his cash then he cares about fairness and rules. To manipulate eBay and to disregard the rules on is bad enough but then to penalize someone for being honest and fair is just dirty and nasty.

    I would NOT buy from this person as I believe he is def the cold type of seller. Not necessarily a bad guy or the type of guy looking to rip someone off just not the I will do anything to make you happy with this sale kind of guy. I used to think buying on the forums was so much better than eBay because it was better sellers but in this case it turned out to just be one in the same.

    I am sure he will now post negative feedback against me which is fine. I can explain the reason to anyone who asks and they will quickly understand. However he can't explain his way out of this one because unlike eBay heatware gives plenty of room to fully describe the situation.

    Also for reference I will post the links to the rules he broke on eBay and the rules he broke on

    On it is rule 4 on the following site

    On ebay it

    Where you can clearly see that selling an item somewhere else is not listed as a reason for ending an item early.

    Response from wermad
    This guy continuously harassed me after attempting to resolve the matter. He preferred not to handle things maturely and rationally. I don't know this guy personally nor do I understand why he continues to harass me on every site/feedback. I did report the matter to ebay. No action was taken by them against me after explaining the situation. Again, this guy just behaved immaturely. I strive to work with both buyers and sellers to come to a mutual agreement. Beware as he may just be a child looking to slander others for any little thing.

    November 30, 2012