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xxx shiv xxx

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  • ATI 9800 pro

    xxx shiv xxx was the Buyer on September 17, 2008 HardForum

    450 had excellent communication and item was extremely well packaged and arrived in a speedy manner.

    September 18, 2008

  • EVGA 260 GTX

    xxx shiv xxx was the Seller on August 23, 2008 HardForum

    Great buyer! Very prompt payment sent and good communication throughout.

    August 24, 2008

  • Asus P5Q motherboard.

    xxx shiv xxx was the Seller on August 26, 2008 HardForum

    Very good communication with buyer. Highly recommend to anyone in the future.

    August 27, 2008

  • I sold a Razer Copperhead mouse to ike989.

    xxx shiv xxx was the Seller on September 29, 2008 HardForum

    Excellent rating. I had great communication with buyer and recieved instant payment.

    September 30, 2008

  • AMD 550 black edition

    xxx shiv xxx was the Seller on March 1, 2010 HardForum

    Instant pay and great communication. Great transaction and would recommend.

    March 2, 2010