TASL or JonJonSanfru
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xSeongminx (34)
Cross Traded a FX5700Ultra and $20 for an Antec SLK1650 w/350wPSU.
Cross-traded on May 7, 2007 AnandTech
Great trader. Kept excellent communication, items got shipped off in a timely fashion and the deal worked out perfectly. Would trade again with him.
May 8, 2007
northern (218)
sold a p100 cpu w/hs
TASL or JonJonSanfru was the Seller on August 5, 2001 AnandTech
great trader, first cananda deal and it went as smooth as could be. also sent me some nice blue money ^_^
August 5, 2001
Uppie1414 (222)
Sold six SCSI drives
TASL or JonJonSanfru was the Seller on July 13, 2011 AnandTech
Super easy transaction. Communication was always clear and prompt, and payment came as soon as we agreed on the details.
Would definitely recommend and trade with Uppie1414 again.July 21, 2011
the_Seeker (5)
Sold him an ATI x850 XT AGP card.
TASL or JonJonSanfru was the Seller on August 20, 2007 AnandTech
Quick payment, good communication throughout. Would trade with him again.
August 27, 2007
KIAman (108)
Bought CS CD/Key
TASL or JonJonSanfru was the Buyer on June 14, 2004 AnandTech
Answered all my questions, sent me the key and took care of everything promptly after payment. great trader.
June 14, 2004
Hellraiser (179)
Sold Dell Modular Laptop 8x DVD
TASL or JonJonSanfru was the Seller on September 19, 2004 AnandTech
Fast payment, great/easy to deal with.
September 19, 2004
jeremym (142)
Bought Serirell2 adapter w/y adpater and SATA cable
TASL or JonJonSanfru was the Buyer on March 22, 2004 AnandTech
Fast communication, Faster shipping, i couldn\'t be happier with the way this transaction went. Also excellent packagine, definetly would trade again if i got the chance.
March 22, 2004
PornFan (91)
Purchased 2x1gb PC3200 DDR, 1gb Mem Stick, Can O\'Air
TASL or JonJonSanfru was the Buyer on October 17, 2007 AnandTech
Smooth trade. The items were shipped promptly after payment and arrived well packaged and in excellent condition.
October 23, 2007
XprincoX (36)
Barton XP2500+ cpu and an audigy soundcard.
TASL or JonJonSanfru was the Buyer on April 23, 2007 AnandTech
Great Trader, held some items for me then shipped the items promptly upon payment. Items arrived well packaged and as described. Would trade with him again.
April 27, 2007
skippysg (435)
We worked a loan out, X dollars +Y% interest to be paid back in 1 month.
Cross-traded on December 31, 2001 AnandTech
This guy is a life saver, he took a leap of faith and got me out of a jam. Communication was excellent and he went above and beyond with this deal. I can only say that he is an exceptional person and trader, and given the chance i would definetly trade with him again and i would recommend him to anyone looking for a good honest trader.
December 31, 2001
RockeT (59)
Bought Warcraft 3 and Frozen Throne Expansion
TASL or JonJonSanfru was the Buyer on May 21, 2004 AnandTech
Great Trader, kept excellent communication and shipped promptly after payment. items arrived well packed and just as described.
May 21, 2004
CANiSLAYu (39)
Bought VisionTek GF3 Ti200
TASL or JonJonSanfru was the Buyer on June 24, 2002 AnandTech
We cross-traded, i sent the MO and he sent the card. I couldn't imagine a smoother deal. the card arrived promptly and in perfect condition, and was extremely well packed. i definetly recommend this trader to anyone.
June 24, 2002
Skipholiday (315)
Sold 2 x Nanya, 2GB PC2-5300 DDR2 non-ECC
TASL or JonJonSanfru was the Seller on October 31, 2012 AnandTech
Great buyer, we agreed on a price and a time table, he let me know when the item arrived and promptly left Heat. Would definitely trade again.
November 15, 2012
Breaker1 (18)
Bought GF2 Video Card
TASL or JonJonSanfru was the Buyer on June 24, 2002 AnandTech
Great trader, he was one of the first guys i traded with back in the day and he is still the great trader he was back then. great communication and the card arrived in mint condition. I will definetly do business with him in the future, he's a definite recommened.
June 24, 2002
compuwiz1 (342)
Bought 2 sticks of infineon ram
TASL or JonJonSanfru was the Buyer on February 24, 2001 AnandTech
he shipped i fast, and they rock, took my system from 700@868 to 700@1050! will do business wih him again!
February 24, 2001
Maineiac (45)
sold him a 15"monitor, 32mg pc100, and a network card
TASL or JonJonSanfru was the Seller on March 15, 2001 AnandTech
great trader! the monitor came damaged and he didn't flip, and has been patient during the filing process. awesome guy, definetly would do business with him again!
March 15, 2001
Crosshairs (446)
Purchased an ATI X850 XT AGP.
TASL or JonJonSanfru was the Buyer on April 8, 2007 AnandTech
Great trader, shipped promptly and answered all of my questions. Video card arrived well packaged and as described. Would trade with him again in the future.
April 12, 2007
Breaker1 (18)
traded my voodoo3 +$20 for his geforce sdr
Cross-traded on February 17, 2001 AnandTech
good trader, shipped out hte same time i did. good packagine, would definetly do business with him again.
February 17, 2001
Kippster (44)
Purchased NEC ND-3550a DVDRW IDE Drive
TASL or JonJonSanfru was the Buyer on September 22, 2007 AnandTech
Smooth transaction. Quick communication and the item was shipped very promptly. The drive was well packaged and in excellent condition.
September 26, 2007
SunRey (1036)
1: 80GB 7200RPM EIDE Drive.
TASL or JonJonSanfru was the Seller on November 9, 2011 AnandTech
Easy transaction, buyer was very courteous and was clear with his communication. Would definitely trade again.
November 11, 2011
DaveH (229)
My Radeon LE, PCMCIA HDD, etc. for his 45 gig 7200 HDD and AIW 128.
TASL or JonJonSanfru was the Buyer on May 30, 2001 AnandTech
Great trader, kept good communications and was very reasonable on the shipping(sent me what i needed first, then i shipped back, then he shipped the rest). Would definetly trade with him in the future!
May 30, 2001
Birdtales (7)
Sold Cybergenie Phone Setup
TASL or JonJonSanfru was the Seller on May 21, 2004 Other/Unknown
Great communication, paid promptly, i would definetly trade with him again.
May 21, 2004
jinwei (176)
Purchased a p3-933mhz that he matched to one I owned for a dual proc setup.
TASL or JonJonSanfru was the Buyer on January 25, 2007 AnandTech
Great trader. I msg\'ed him my stepping and he found a match, Prime95\'ed it to make sure it was stable, then shipped it out all on the same day. The packing was great, as well as the communication. Would definetly trade with him again.
January 26, 2007
bonkers325 (340)
I bought a scsi CDRW and enclosure.
TASL or JonJonSanfru was the Buyer on February 14, 2001 Hardware Central
shipped it out fast, and came with everything! good trader, **recommend**
February 14, 2001
bzbee (189)
Bought Xbox Setup
TASL or JonJonSanfru was the Buyer on May 5, 2004 AnandTech
Packaging was perfect, and the machine came just as described. he kept great communication and answered all my questions. i would definetly do business again with him.
May 5, 2004