Review for user sc0tty8 from samus

  • Trades his fosgate amp, a .5 farad cap and some length of 4 guage wire (all used) for a new 120gb western digital harddisk, a new 40x black cdrw and a geforce2 mx videocard.

    Cross-traded on June 22, 2003 AnandTech

    This has possibly been the roughest trade I've ever had. It's amazing this guy has 50+ possitive feedback.

    I tried everything in my power to please him when a package I sent got lost in the mail because the address he gave me was formatted incorrectly and the post office had to decrypt his street address.

    I mailed him new (2/3) well packaged components worth substantially more than the broken capacitor he sent me, in addition to a beaten up (cosmetically) fosgate amp thats value NEW is shy of $200 and some generic (but decent) 4ga. wire.

    When the package wasn't received in what he considered a timely fashion and I had already received his, I offered to send him a security deposit via paypal which he absolutely accepted (and as of now, has failed to send back after I've asked repeatedly even though he has all the hardware and has stated its in good condition!!!) of $175.

    I have been waiting patiently for some time for him to return my money. He has failed. And yet, he continued to threaten through the moderaters of the board he traded on. He has no proof to support his decision to leave me NEGATIVE feedback before we ever talked, destroying my heat, although I've already had a few people evaluate my heatware now and they agree his feedback isn't a big dent because it's BOGUS in nature. Negative feedback is for trolls and people who steal. In his feedback he clearly states that he received all of my goods (albeit 2 weeks late) in good condition and that they were packed well. I ask you, what the hell is his basis for leaving negative feedback then? I'm as lost as you are. Because the only reason they were even late is because Scott didn't know how to mail stuff to his own house and couldn't format a basic address correctly! This package could have been lost in the mail and I could have been out $350 bucks overall! Just the thought of his incompetence and the fact that he almost cost me so much money and did cost me so much aggrivation kept me up at night.

    If you want this experience, you can take the gamble and trade with him, but beware, if you are not the Goddess of Online Trading, you will probably loose sleep over his immoral trading tactics.

    The only reason I don't leave negative although Scotty has deemed it appropriate is because I believe negative is only for those who steal (although he is still holding $175 of my cash via paypal and has failed to send it back.) However, I doubt he is going to make good on fixing the malfunctional capacitor he sent me. It's no wonder it doesn't work, it has scratches and dents covering every inch of it. A real A+ trader here guys...

    Response from sc0tty8
    For the address, It does not really matter how it is formatted, I have my credit card and packages from usps/ups/fedex formatted as 318 litchfield ave north.

    Security deposit, I sent it back 2 days after I recieved the package, I was out of town at a lan party.

    Damaged goods? I told him the amp, cap , and wire was all used, I have pics of the amp, the cap had a few dimples in it, still usable, and worked fine for me.

    As for the feedback, I stand by it. I have the PM's to proce that he lied to me about how he sent me the package. He said he shipped it around 5/28, it was not sent til june 5th, I have the package to prove this. He said he had insurance on it, he did not, and lied to me about that. The package arrived later then he promised cuz he did not send it til 2 days after he got mine. I sent mine via UPS and he got it in about 3 working days.

    The anandtech mods have locked his acocunt for 1 month because of this, and totally sided with me on the matter. I shipped when I said I would, and I shipped how I said I would.

    Samus changed his story about how the package was shipped, when it was shipped,and threatened to call my local police if I did not return the paypal in 4hrs when he sent me a PM. I held his payapl for 2 days after I got the package, like I said, I was out of town at a lan party,, 4hrs away form my house, I am sorry I decided to sleep when I got home.

    Here is the PM I was sent from the anandtech mods:


    We agree that Samus acted improperly in this deal. Even assuming the entire delay was due to errors or confusion by USPS, he promised to ship Priority with a return receipt request. If he had shipped when and as promised, all of this would have been over much earlier, and the tracking number would have cleared things up much sooner.

    That said, you did give him incorrect mailing info that could have added some delay, and you did eventually receive your items. For these reasons, I would suggest that you consider editing your heat eval for him to neutral. His threat is another matter. I have locked his account, nominally for one month, posted this info for further discussion by the rest of our moderators, and sent him this email:


    We have reviewed the situation regarding your deal with sc0tty8, including your PM's with him, and we have concluded that you are the one who is wrong, here.

    1. You did not take personal responsiblity for shipping on time. You said you would ship around 5/28/03. The USPS date stamp on the package is 6/5/03. Even if you shipped through your company's mail system, it should not take eight days from that time to get a date stamp from USPS.

    2. You lied about shipping Priority Mail. You said you would "possibly" include insurance. There is no "possible" here. Either you do or you don't. You did not.

    3. Many cities include the direction information on their street names before, rather than after, the name, itself, regardless of whether you have seen this. We know sc0tty8 gave you an address at North Litchfield Ave, instead of South. If he has been at his present address for any length of time, typically, this would not cause a delay of more than a day or two. Your package did not arrive until 6/22/03.

    Even assuming the entire delay was due to errors or confusion by USPS, YOU promised to ship Priority with a return receipt request. If you had shipped when and as you promised, all of this would have been over much earlier, and the tracking number would have cleared things up much sooner.

    4. Finally, you threatened to file a fraud complaint against sc0tty8 with the police if you did not receive paypal within four hours. We strongly suggest you forget about crap like that and never threaten anyone with criminal charges again unless you really intend to do it, and you really have the evidence to make it stick. As things stand, if you try it, sc0tty8 would have a great civil case against you for malicious prosecution.

    If you did not have a good history on heatware, you would be permanently banned for this. For now, your account is locked for one month. I want to be sure this time out is fair so I have also posted this information for discussion by all of our moderators. We will let you know if we decide to shorten this time out.

    Since sc0tty8 did receive his items, we have asked him to consider changing the eval he left for you to a Neutral. Since you are the one who is wrong, I think you just let your temper get the best of you, and your neutral eval is overboard, but both evals are also part of our discussion.

    AnandTech Moderator

    I would go back and change the neg heat if he would have left positive, but since he has lied to me about when the package was shipped, inflated the value of the stuff he sent me, lied about putting insuarnce on the package, and threatened to call the police if I did not do as he asked.

    I have not had anyone pull this kind of thing on me b4. He told me he would ship with insurance on the package via usps, I let him know at least 4 times that I needed the equip very soon. I also told him I wanted the INS#, but he pussy fotted around about that and then later told me he did not put it on the package cuz of the price.

    It is ALWAYS the shipper's(samus) responsiblilty to make sure that a tracking method is employed, and the package is shipped when it is supose to be.

    He told me he sent it on 5/28 at his PO, and then later told me he shipped it from work, and then he told me ther was insurance on it, and then there was not, and then he had a reciept for it, but if you ship from work, how do you get a reciept?

    I have the pics here, if you would like to see them, email me and I will give them to you along with the AIM logs, anandtech PM's, and everything else I got.

    I would only deal with samus again if he was to ship first.

    After the mods contacted him, he told me about how beat up the stuff was I shipped him, he had the stuff for 2 weeks and did not say anytihng until then.

    He also told me that the equip did not work properly, aftter 2 weeks and not saying anytihng, I belive that it is cuz of improper installation.

    You do NOT wire a cap to the same ground as your amp, and DO NOT run a FUSED power to the cap, this would cause the amp to fry fuses.

    Samus, I am sorry that it went this way, but you have lied to me and pulled me around too much.

    After the mods initially contacted you, you offered the paypal to me so I would not leave neg/neu heat on your part.

    I am a beliver that honest heat should be left, you recieved your goods in a very quick matter, I have a rep for quick shipping for a reason. You did not say anything about faulty products til the mods game down on you and you where cornered in your lies.

    More on the address formatting, it does not matter if it is 318 litchfield ave n or 318 n litchfield ave. Like I said, I have all sorts of stuff come to me at litchfield ave n, and there is no 318 litchfield ave s.

    I woudl be really leary about dealing with this guy, he said he was going to put me on his ignore list as soon as this deal was up cuz he said I was "lying" to the mods at anandtech. I provided the truth, which was what you gave me, samus.

    June 22, 2003