Review for user dperry03 from swank121

  • NEC ND-1100A DVD+RW

    swank121 was the Buyer on March 14, 2004 AnandTech

    Derrick requested I ship first. He mentioned he just spent all his money on a speeding ticket and asked if he could pay in two installments over two weeks. Since he has such high heat I wasn\'t worried and sent the drive right away. Unfortunately after he got the drive he couldn\'t pay due to problems with paypal. He claimed his funds were frozen until his bank account could be verified. I explained I would have no choice but to leave negative heat if I didn\'t have the money by a week after the agreed date, giving him a full three weeks for payment. A few days later, Derrick arranged for a third party to send me the money until his paypal account is fixed.

    Since everything ended up ok and within the terms of the agreement we made, I\'m leaving a positive feedback. Derrick has a long trading history and while some of his trades like this one have been a little rough, he means well and his communication is always excellent. In the future though I would ask him to pay first. ;)

    March 14, 2004