Review for user Ranadin from Spineshank

  • Katin as he is known on AT was looking to trade his X800XL PCI-E for a lower end AGP card. I offered my X800XL AGP and we agreed on a deal on Jan. 10th. He wanted to cross ship and I said I couldnt because this is my only card. He didnt have a problem with that. On the 12th he updated me with saying he didnt even get the card yet from another deal. I was fine with that. On the 17th he said he was shipping out the card. After that he stopped responding to my PM\'s. No card was received. I even warned him i would leave negative feedback if he didnt get back to me by the 27th. He signed on the 27th and never PM\'ed me.

    Cross-traded on January 27, 2006 AnandTech

    I didnt lose anything but a deal was made and he didnt keep his end of the deal. Thankfully i didnt cross ship otherwise i would be screwed.

    January 28, 2006