Review for user Zab from compuwiz1

  • Sold Sblive, Video Card and a set of Altec Lansing speakers.

    Zab was the Buyer on February 29, 2000 AGN

    Walter was great to deal with. I don't know how many emails we sent back and forth, but he was always quick to respond.
    The speakers were sent in a separate box from the other things, and got hung up in customs due to a mislable for the value declarations (the sound card/video card label got swithed with the one to go on the speakers). My post office here told me it was probably a customs problem, then Walter was the one who actually found them at customs. He was very patient and took it all in stride.
    Thanks for the deal Walter! I would do business again and highly recommend him to others. :)

    February 29, 2000