Review for user Oklahoma Wolf from givmedew
givmedew (13)
I purchased a PSU from him
Oklahoma Wolf was the Seller on December 11, 2012
When something out of the ordinary arises during a transaction that is when true colors really show. A person can go hundreds of transactions with positive reviews and be a truly horrible person to work with on the single occasion that something out of the ordinary actually happens.
I would like to say that this person has showed that he is an AMAZING person to work with and that when something out of the ordinary happens you wont be left in the dark.
I do not want to go into details of our transaction as I think it could leave the seller in a bad situation if a shaddy buyer was to read it but rest assured that Oklahoma Wolf is a stand up guy and no matter what happens the outcome will be FAIR and that communication will always be top notch.December 30, 2012