Review for user psteng19 from heretik99

  • Sold MSI K7T Pro motherboard.

    psteng19 was the Buyer on February 11, 2002 AnandTech

    Terence had stated he had previous problems with DOA motehrboards and would like to try the board out first before sending payment. I had no problems with this, and shipped the board to him first. Upon receipt of the motherboard, he promptly contacted me as he could not get it to work properly. To make a long story short, he was very patient and tried everything he (and I) could think of to possibly get this board running and stable with no success. At this point, he promptly returned the motherboard to me. During this whole time he kept in constant contact with me and replied very promptly to my comments and suggestions. This was a very positive experience and I look forward to dealing with him in the future.

    February 11, 2002