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popcicle (220)
2 X 256MB Corsair XMS BH-5
bafbrian was the Buyer on March 26, 2004 AMDMB
Great dealer.Shipped fast. Smooooth transaction. Highly recommended.
March 26, 2004
PerlAddict (44)
Sold him a complete computer system and monitor.
bafbrian was the Seller on December 18, 2004
Great guy. Smooth transaction. Highly Recommended.
December 18, 2004
Kato (50)
SLK-800A w/Tornado + grill
bafbrian was the Buyer on June 30, 2003
Great seller. Will do business with him again.
June 30, 2003
electrox (70)
bafbrian was the Seller on February 26, 2004
Great buyer. Paid promptly. Smooth transaction. Highly recommended.
February 26, 2004
BioSs (145)
XP1700 DLT3C proc
bafbrian was the Buyer on June 5, 2003
Love the proc and a great seller, will do business again. Fast shipment.
June 5, 2003
NewbiePCbldr (103)
Antec TP430W PSU
bafbrian was the Seller on April 9, 2004 AMDMB
Great dealer. Paid Promptly. Highly Recommended.
April 9, 2004
TUK101 (181)
2 case and 300W PSU
bafbrian was the Seller on March 9, 2004
Great buyer. Excellent communication. Delay, but family first. Highly recommend. Will do business with again.
March 9, 2004
Jen (390)
Molexs and Connector Pins
bafbrian was the Buyer on June 21, 2004
Everything is great. Pins are already used to PSU mod. Highly recommended.
June 21, 2004
FlyingHamster (106)
Bought R9800 Pro
bafbrian was the Buyer on February 10, 2004 Other/Unknown
Great dealer. Excellent Comms. Highly recommend. R9800 Pro had me drooling.
February 10, 2004
JBuzzman69 (197)
Bought a Lian Li case.
bafbrian was the Buyer on June 8, 2004 AMDMB
Great dealer. Case is better than expected. Even threw in some goodies. Highly recommended.
June 8, 2004
pummer (7)
Nexus Fan controller
bafbrian was the Buyer on June 16, 2004
Great dealer. Smooth transaction. Highly recommended.
June 16, 2004
teznic (8)
92mm Tornado
bafbrian was the Buyer on June 17, 2004 AMDMB
Fan is great. Better than expected. Highly recommended.
June 17, 2004
tuskenraider (101)
TwinMOS PC3700 RAM
bafbrian was the Buyer on October 20, 2003
Great communication. RAM is perfect. Will do business with again.
October 20, 2003
just shoot (67)
Bought a XP1700 DLT3C 0310 XPMW
bafbrian was the Buyer on July 2, 2003
Great dealer.
Fast shipment.
Will do business with again.July 2, 2003
Stedeman (68)
Fortron 530W PSU
bafbrian was the Buyer on April 9, 2004
Great dealer. Smooth transasction. The PSU is better than originally thought. Highly recommended.
April 9, 2004
Lonely Raven (138)
bafbrian was the Seller on November 20, 2003
Buyer was prompt with MO. I will gladly do business with again. Happy to know chip is better than expected.
November 20, 2003
overgloc (45)
AXP 1700 DLT3C 0310 XPMW \"Miracle Chip\"
bafbrian was the Seller on March 22, 2004 AMDMB
Excellent buyer. Great communication and a smoooooth TRANSACTION!
Will do business with again.March 22, 2004
x-kid (64)
Traded 2 80mm Panaflo's for 120mm Evercool.
Cross-traded on January 8, 2004
Great Trade. Fan is better that expected. Will do business with again. Highly recommend.
January 8, 2004
bubbagump (22)
TP 430W
bafbrian was the Buyer on November 4, 2003
Great PSU. Great dealer. Good communication. Will do business with again.
November 4, 2003