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#33,119 of 87,808 users
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Jtech|I (1)
Bought 4 device IDE cable ribbon
ZHS was the Buyer on April 15, 2005 Other/Unknown
Good communication and very fast shipment. I got the product in two days!
April 15, 2005
agaliza (41)
Traded Sony DVD burner (DRU-510A) for a 15GB 3rd generation iPod.
Cross-traded on August 6, 2003 AnandTech
Whole trading process took longer than I expected (shipped to Hawai) but everything worked smoothly.
August 6, 2003
feal (1)
Sold 30GB hard drive.
ZHS was the Seller on May 19, 2004 FatWallet
Quick payment and quick response. Thanks.
May 19, 2004