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#20,626 of 87,808 users
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TonyH (297)
Sold him OEM Dell MS Office and Teletronics USB adapter...
neoscopic was the Seller on December 10, 2004 AnandTech
Good communication, excellent buyer...definitely one of the few to trust when trading/buying on the internet
December 10, 2004
NightTrain (214)
Sold him a bunch of Dell parts...As dell charges WAY too much, I was glad to help a fellow nerd out...Paid quickly and very communicative...
neoscopic was the Seller on December 10, 2004 AnandTech
Good communication, excellent buyer...definitely one of the few to trust when trading/buying on the internet
December 10, 2004
honz (17)
traded kingston pc2100 for a samsung pc2700 soDimm
Cross-traded on November 14, 2004 AnandTech
Worked shipping everything
November 14, 2004
waitman (93)
Sold HD to him...14GB
neoscopic was the Seller on November 10, 2004 AnandTech
Great guy, MO came quick...
And wasn't mad that I forgot his heatware...oops o.0
:)November 10, 2004
dman6666 (9)
Aironets 350 Cisco Sys
neoscopic was the Seller on September 15, 2004 AnandTech
Great buyer...sold for $35, gave me 2 gmail invites as well.
September 15, 2004
tsd (39)
9500-9700 Pro softmodded
neoscopic was the Buyer on September 12, 2004 Other/Unknown
Great seller. Got the item in 2 days....very good to work with
September 12, 2004