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#21,223 of 87,808 users
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scan (39)
Bought a 480W Antec PSU from Scan.
coooldude was the Buyer on February 17, 2005 RedFlagDeals
Excellent PSU. PSU was in very good condition. Highly recommend buying from him again.
February 17, 2005
zalapski (30)
Sold 2 Keyboards and a computer case.
coooldude was the Seller on November 20, 2005 RedFlagDeals
Very friendly, easy to deal. Highly recommend dealing with him in future transactions.
November 27, 2005
c1ph3r (16)
Sold a K7S5A to him. Veruy nice guy to deal with. Dal went through without a hitch..
coooldude was the Seller on April 11, 2005 RedFlagDeals
Highly recommend dealing with him again.
April 11, 2005
Fuggit (8)
USB 2.0 PCMCIA Card Hub
coooldude was the Buyer on March 9, 2006 RedFlagDeals
Bought a USB 2.0 Hub from him. Nice guy. Easy to deal with. Even showed how it is to be installed. Highly recommend dealing with him again.
March 12, 2006
sleepyguy (17)
Bought Quicktax Standard 2005 from him.
coooldude was the Buyer on February 21, 2006 RedFlagDeals
Very easy to deal with, very communicative. Highly recommend him for future deals.
February 24, 2006