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Gunslinger OCS (260)
ASUS Rampage 5 Extreme Motherboard All Accessories Intel i7-5930K CPU
DB5 was the Buyer on February 13, 2015 Facebook
After payment cleared, Gunslinger had the package shipped and a tracking number by the end of the day.
May 9, 2015
Marcam923 (107)
DB5 was the Buyer on January 14, 2015 Facebook
Traded the Corsair 780T case for some water cooling parts. Recommend all transactions with Marcam923
May 9, 2015
Marcam923 (107)
Modded Corsair 780T
DB5 was the Buyer on January 15, 2015 Facebook
Modded my 780T beyond my expectations. Highly recommend all future dealings with Marcam923
May 11, 2015